Amour Candy Phone Wallpaper
To add a touch of amour to your day-to-day, we created a petit gift for you: an illustrated heart-shaped candies wallpaper featuring French love phrases to sprinkle a little love onto your screen.
And it's free! Just add it to your cart and follow the normal checkout process. Once complete, you'll receive an email with a link to download it.
What's included

What's included
- The geography of France
- Introduction
- L’alphabet
- Definite and indefinite articles (le/la/les/une/un/des)
- Cities and places in France
- ID Card
- How to introduce yourself
- Numbers 1-20, Verbs: être et avoir | Regular -ER verbs: parler et habiter | Préposition à | Contracted article | Liaison
- Jobs and nationalities
- Greetings and manners (tu vs. vous)
- Addressing someone you don’t know
- Paris districts (arrondissements) and monuments
- Conversations in public transportation (subway, taxi, bus, biking or walking)
- Means of transportation and directions
- Verbs: prendre, aller, faire | 3 ways to ask questions | Prepositions for places
- Fun facts about the Paris subway
- Hotel conversation
- Verbs: dormir, partir, devoir | Locution il y a | How to ask for the time | Negation (ne…pas)
- Vocabulary of hotels and accommodation | Moments of the day
- Hotels in Paris
- Conversation at the bakery and at a café
- Breakfast pastries, breads, and coffees
- Verb: vouloir | Adverbs | Tense: Near future (le futur proche)
- What not to say at a bakery, café, and restaurant!
- Dialogue at a restaurant with a server
- Partitive article (de la, du, de l’, des, de, d’) | Expressions with avoir | Tense: Conditional
- Vegetables | Fruits | Restaurant menu items | Meals of the day | Paying at a restaurant
- Cécilia’s dad’s restaurant in Paris (Le Colimaçon) and a secret password to get the VIP treatment there
- Conversations at the museum
- Demonstrative adjectives (ce, cet, cette, ces) | The imperative mode
- Types of cultural places | Museum vocabulary
- Paris museum recs | Types of museum tickets in France
- Conversations at the clothing store | Conversations between friends
- Reflexive verbs | Verbs for shopping | Qualifying and possessive adjectives (mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes, son, sa, ses)
- Clothing items | Beauty | The bookstore
- French slang | Where to shop in Paris (best streets and store recs)
- Numbers to call in France in case of an emergency
- How to make an appointment | Dialogue at the doctor’s office
- Modal verbs (devoir, falloir, pouvoir) | How to express pain with avoir
- Health issues | Types of doctors | Self-care places
- Speak like a native (expressions, slang, and curse words)
- French music

Inside the 💙 Candies
- Mon amour → my love
- Embrasse moi → kiss me
- Toi et moi → you and me
- âmes sœurs → soulmates
- Coup de foudre → love at first sight
- Je m'aime → I love myself